• 5. Obscurial

    It was morning and Harry didn't go back to Ravenclaw common room, neither in the boys dorm for that matter.

    Kevin first thought he needed time after learning who was Peter Pettigrew, something he did after seeking help from Hermione. He remembered belatedly the girl had read everything about magic world and Harry Potter. And it happened that it was linked to his friend. The true story was kind of tragic, and starting to get freaky once Ron realized that his family had accommodated the death eater for a decade.

    But then he didn't show up for the whole day and Kevin was starting to get worry for his friend.

    He asked Ron's help to look for Harry and the latter asked for his twin brothers' help who happened to know where everyone was. The twin pulled out a parchment with the map of Hogwarts drawn and managed to tell them that he was with the headmaster and deputy headmistress and all the other heads of house. When Kevin asked if someone named Peter Pettigrew was there too, they said yes so Kevin could comfort himself by saying that Harry may want to question the traitor himself.

    He left the siblings as they started talking about who's Pettigrew as they realized that all their other brothers happened to hang with them.

    The map sure was handy, maybe Kevin could find the spell that made it possible, he's sure it could be useful for him and Harry for future reference, he thought as he settled on the common room's sofa, waiting for his friend to show up.

    But dawn came and no news. 

    After a quick change of clothes, he went to ask for professor Flitwick in his office. 

    Unfortunately, the half-man wasn't there, so he ran to the staffroom and was thankful to find most of them there. With the matron too.

    "Excuse me, may I have a word with professor Flitwick?" 

    "Mister Kevin? You're quite the early bird."

    "Actually, I want to ask if you have seen Harry? I heard that he went to see the headmaster yesterday, but, huh, he didn't, he huh-" He fumbled on his words, not wanting to out his friend while looking for him.

    "He didn't go back to the common room?" The tiny professor finished for him. 

    "Please be lenient with him! Yesterday, we discovered something very upsetting for him and there was a loose death eater who hid himself as animagus, so Harry not respecting curfew is last the issue you should be worried about!"

    "I do admire your loyalty to your friend, mister Kevin. And I can assure you that I know mister Harry didn't go back to the common room, as all the heads of house and myself watched him all night long."

    "Huh? Why?" 

    "Let's say he threw a huge tantrum and his magic gone awry."

    "Well, can you blame him? You were withdrawing informations that concerned him from him. He had to learn everything about magic world from our agemates. He didn't even know how his parents died. And you're giving him detention because he's legimately curious about his origin story?" 

    "You do have a point, mister Kevin, you do. But his tantrums are on another level, and we can't really let him go back to his classmates for fear of colleteral damage." 

    "You can't keep him locked, though. He missed all of yesterday meals, he must be hungry. And he didn't sleep well because of what happened ereyesterday." 

    "Thus explaining him fainting after his...tantrum."

    Kevin jumped to professor Snape's voice and looked up to see that most professors were listening on their conversation. His ears heated up and his cheeks must have colored too but he refused to look down. Adults didn't have any right to lock a student up just because of a tantrum. That's child abuse.

    Pretty sure that Hermione could give them all a long paragraph of the law about it.  Surely, it's the same in the magical world too.

    "Let me talk to him. I'm sure it's not as bad as you made it sound. And even if it was, he had every rights." 

    "Not in the magical world, no."


    "Well, he couldn't know that if you intentionally made him ignorant despite him being a native, now could he?"

    "I see the sorting hat put you in Ravenclaw was the best decision, mister Kevin Entwhistle."

    Again, Kevin started at the voice. And this new one was none other than the headmaster! Faded blue eyes twinkle behind the half-moon spectacles seeing him gape. 

    "Kevin, my boy, it warms my heart to see you trying so hard to support your friend that you know only for two weeks. I admire such loyalty and how you're willing to find all arguments against anything we say to you. For that, I'm willing to let you speak to Harry."

    "Albus, do you really think it's wise?" Professor McGonagall stopped the old man with worry in her voice. 

    "You heard the boy, Minerva. We can't just lock up a student because of a tantrum. Maybe his friend could speak some sense into him." 

    "Well, if he wanted to sue you, I will support him."

    "Thank you for that honest input, Kevin. Now, Minerva, would you please prepare a plate of meal so the boys had foods ready once they're done. Kevin, shall we?"

    Kevin followed the beard man and noted how they heading in another part of the castle. He was also pretty sure that all the staffs were assembled in the staffroom and while he did not distrust his head's words, he could only conclude that right now, Harry was left alone and not supervised like he was when unconscious. Which was really rude, because that meant they really locked up a poor eleven years old just for a tantrum as they called.

    Trying to calm the indignation, he asked questions to change his emotions.

    "What about Peter Pettigrew? And Sirius Black? Surely, the latter will get to retrial, right?"

    Kevin didn't know anything about Azkaban and its jailors but he knew from his parents' job that imprisonning an innocent by mistake could ruin one's life. And honestly, if the innocent man wasn't imprisoned, Harry could have live with them. Which would also mean Kevin wouldn't have met Harry and they wouldn't have been so close, but well, one man's joy is another man's sorrow. And to be fair, not much sorrow because Terry, Michael, Anthony and Oliver were good blokes. So win-win, really. In this alternative universe, though, right now, it seemed that nothing went as it should.

    "Of course, my boy. We made sure that the culprit mister Pettigrew will get what he deserve."

    "Please make sure that he won't escape by transforming into a rat again."

    "Well, being an un-registered animagus was already a huge crime, so the ministry will do the necessary to ensure his capitivity."

    "Did you tell Harry that?"

    "Unfortunately, we didn't have the time before Harry got overwhelmed. I did get the gist that not being informed of anything was too put off to him, leading him to... explode, if I may say."

    "Yeah, well, it's not because we're kids that we're stupids. Of course, we don't know anything, but we're here to learn. But Harry's case is different. I mean, I don't really get everything about him being the savior of the wizarding world and whatnot, but he's a good friend, he helped me cast spells and told me everything about the customs and pureblood's bigotry about those muggle-raised, something he didn't know either but made sure to form connections to inform me in return. I mean, maybe if things were differents, he wouldn't be that altruistic, but letting him know about his legacy is common sense. We all want to know our origins."

    "That's right, Kevin, you're absolutly right. I guess having all those years with me didn't help me get any wiser. I should listen more your young folks."

    Kevin had the horrible feelings of being humored. Again, this tone of indulging him but not actually listening just so he could shut up. Sodding grown ups.

    He hoped that Harry gave them a hard time.

    Harry did much better. 

    They passed the corridor of gargoyle, and a glimpse told Kevin the whole hallway was totally ravaged. Mister Filch was trying to wash something on the walls and Kevin half-heartedly wondered why none of those great wizards that were the professors didn't do anything to clean it magically when he noticed it was blood stain. A meowing made him look for Mrs Norris who was sashaying between rubbles of what was supposed to be the headmaster tower. A glance through the window told him that the top of the tower was still undamaged (and the headmaster's office too, probably), but the entrance was definitely done for. As he kept his steps behind the headmaster, he felt quite satisfied of Harry's job despite not knowing how he did it.

    They finally arrived at the dada teacher's office and Kevin could only be glad that it wasn't even remotely close the third floor corridor where they were warn against to get close under death sentence. Before opening the door, the headmaster looked at Kevin straight in the eyes. The glasses were on his nose as he made sure it won't impede on their exchange and he said:

    "Kevin, my boy, I have to tell you that your friend, Harry, is unfortunately diagnosized of some anormality in the wizarding world. He's known as an obscurial, it's when a child wizard-"

    "With all the due respect, professor," Kevin cut the old man with his utmost calm voice, eyes still meeting the head's "I rather speak with Harry before you tell me anything. I would like his version of story because, like him, I was raised as muggle before getting to know the magical world, which no one told me much about its custom despite it playing a huge part of the lifestyle. And I don't really like to be expected to do things without previous informations. It's like playing a game without knowing the rules and one knew how frustrating it could be."

    Life could be considered as such, but then again, that what parent's were for. Their role was to teach you, put limits if they had to, but here to tell you how the world work. Which wasn't Harry's case as he didn't have parents and his relatives weren't of this word. Without further ado, Kevin pushed the door and locked it behind him.

    To be more corrected, he slamed it, but not intentionally. Not his fault he was startled to see his friend being locked in some cage with metal bars as if he was a bird. 

    Harry wasn't tied by any bounds, but there wasn't any need because Harry was busy pulling his hair and looking at the door with such hatred that Kevin was surprised to see tears streaming on his hollowed cheeks. It looked like he was starved for days and his lifespan was sucked out from him.

    "Harry?!" He ran to him but got stop by an invisible wall.

    He couldn't believe there was a protection charm around Harry. With the cage, they were definitely there to protect against his friend.

    Harry froze so suddenly that Kevin feared he also stopped breathing, but with that he noticed that he quit his bitter muttering. His eyes focused on him instead of the door, as if he just noticed him, and now he was crying for real.

    "Kevin," he choked out, finally letting go of his hair.

    He tried to stand but it was if leaning of his hands hurt as he froze yet again. He gazed at his hands like they hold the truth of this world before letting go a whimper.

    "They took everything from me. My parents, my home, my will to live! I wish I could destroy them like they ruined my life! I hate that magic was a huge part of my life but also the bane of my existance! If only I never go to Hogwarts, I would still have somewhere to go back! If only my parents didn't die, I wouldn't have those insecurities of hiding my magic from the Dursley! Why am I an anomality both in this world and the other? Why me? And why take everything from me? What did I ever do to the universe?!"

    Harry went back to mutter when Kevin didn't say anything for some long seconds. Because the more Harry said something, the more dark his cage got as he was surrounded by a black mist that was trying to get out of the prison and wanting to devastate evrything. For now, it was only creating a huge wind, and only Harry's hair and clothes were victims of it. Harry himself didn't seem to be aware of it, too locked up into his mind muttering threats and curses.

    Kevin didn't know what to do or to say.

    Professor Dumbledore called it Obscurial, a wizard child who- what? he regretted cutting him off, now. Then again, he was pretty convinced Harry was like that because of the very man behind the door.

    Admittedly, Kevin didn't own Harry anything. 

    Sure, he was a nice kid who help him get advanced knowledges, albeit just in charms, and he informed him of wizard traditions, but as the head said, he only knew the boy for two weeks and could have learn all those things by himself. If he kept strong connections with someone as, well, dangerous and unstable as Harry right now, he couldn't by of any help if he turned for worse because Kevin was just a muggleborn. And honestly, he was using the fact he was so advanced in charm to close off Hogwarts studies in one year, or maybe only for the first cycle as he intended to return to muggle world, so if Harry did become the next dark wizard, Kevin could only open the newspaper one day and read his name on the front page and said 'oh, yeah, I was his classmate'.

    But franckly, he didn't and wasn't raised like that. His parents told him to not get walk on, but also to always be good to your neighbours and he didn't want to one day, open the newspaper, read his obituary and think 'oh, I was his classmate' and regret for not doing anything for him when he could.

    He wasn't sure when he started talking in between his panting breath that filled the whole room, more than Harry's mumblings, but he recognized some words said with his voice and managed to understand the whole sentence.

    "...There are lot of our agemate who really appreciate you and your quick wit. The Quidditch team can't wait to play with you. We also have a lot of thing to learn, maybe how to be animagus, how to transform in another way, how to communicate without sending owls who were definitely not discreet enough, how-"

    "We? As in you and me? Together?"

    Wow, he really sealed his fate, didn't he?

    "Sure. We're both Ravenclaw, right? We had to show them what we're capable of, as in creative, eager to learn new things and wishing to change the customs! If we can't in the UK, we could see the other communities of magic. Hermione said there were like eleven magical school legally recognized by the minis-"

    "You'll stay with me? When you say I still have you, you mean that I can go home with you for the holidays? Because I doubt aunt Tunia would even open the door to me and she probably told uncle Vernon that I wouldn't be back and if I do show my face she will tell him I'm a freak and he will definitely lock the door on my face and-"

    "Hey, hey, Harry, you said it. You still have me. I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind having you with us for Christmas and Easter. We're not Christians, you know, but since they knew I was a wizard they become satanic just to support me, so you're good."

    "Wh- what? What did you say about your parents?"

    "Anyway, you're welcomed at our place, we're in the far south-west of London so I can even tour you as you lived in the Surrey. Unfortunately, no magic because it's not a magical place and because we're underage, still wondering how Hermione managed to do magic outside of school even before she's enrolled."

    "Maybe the fact she wasn't a student was considered as accidental magic."

    "Good point." He chuckled a little, before exchanging a mirthful look with him. "You calm down? Ready to face the world?"

    "With you? More ready than ever."

    "Alright," he glanced to the door, waiting for the headmaster to open it and left whatever the hell they cast on Harry to finally free him but nothing happened for some long second. "How to get you out of here?"

    "Try finite incantatem? I think it's just a transfiguration spell."

    Kevin glanced discreetly above Harry's head, making sure that the black mist vanished before trying the general counterspell. The cage transfigured back to the desk of the office and Harry was free to walk out. Kevin took a step and could also come up to Harry like nothing was there. He glanced around and the room looked to be spotless, with the walls of african masks and the telescope tuned to the window undamaged.

    He turned to sigh and release the tension to notice there was two chairs with a tray of foods like the head request from the deputy headmistress. He took place and started to eat without waiting for any invitation and beckoned Harry to do the same.

    "You must be starving, you miss three whole meals from yesterday."

    Harry took a bite and didn't stop till his plate was empty. "You're right, I didn't notice how famished I was until I ate. The treacle tart is to die for!"

    "What about the pumkin juice! Didn't know I could ever fancy squashes."

    They eventually left the office and could have gone to their merry way for a new day of the new week but Harry had to go through some test for his well-being. And to prevent a similar 'tantrum' to play again, because Harry really didn't want to spend any more time with those secretives adults, Kevin suggested that Harry could at least assist the arrival of ministry of magic to apprehend Peter Pettigrew if he really had to pass those mandatories tests.

    When he watched from his friend to the headmaster, he shuddered uneasily when he met the man's twinkling eyes and really wished he didn't.

    He's in deep, wasn't he?

    Oh, and, an Obscurial was a wizard child who had suppressed his magic for whatever reason thus developing a dark parasitical energy that was the Obscurus. When anguished and upset, it could explode and cause great damages through wind and uncontrolled levitation. Nothing could actually defeat them, especially not a protection charm that could return to the caster and the professors only managed to get Harry because he faint in the middle of his explosion, spent. At early stage, it was possible to be cured if the wizard felt like belonging, too long, there was no other choice but to put down the young wizard or they let them die by themselves as they never live past teenage. 

    And his friend, that he just promoted to best friend, was an Obscurial of early stage, but a really powerful one since he's also the savior of the wizarding world.

    His life couldn't get any easier.

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